Inspiring Young India

We have created this Inspiring Young India - Blog to share Inspirational Stories in Hindi, Motivational stories in Hindi, Success stories in Hindi , positive stories in Hindi , Articles in Hindi to Motivate , empower , Inspire and encourage the Young India.
We will not create, promote or endorse anything that encourages hate, abuse or belittlement of anyone based on race, religious belief, social class, gender, gender orientation, sexual orientation, creed, ethnic background, marital status, mental or physical condition.

We have a zero tolerance policy related to the above, therefore any comments made on this page which degrade any of the above, will be deleted and the commenters will likely be banned.

Unless otherwise noted, We have taken all images and stories from the Internet and assuming them to be in the public domain. In the event that there is a problem or error with copyrighted material, the break of the copyright is unintentional and non-commercial. We are not making money though these images , stories or any material published on this blog. It is basically a non profit project to collect Inspiring stories in Hindi. Our single purpose is to promote love , harmony and brotherhood.

Images are not presented as our work unless they are marked with. We receive no financial benefit from posting images or by publishing Inspiring Stories on this blog . Primary source of Content is Google , Bing , Facebook and Yahoo search engines. We have created this blog only to motivate our own Children and young India. is a Nonprofit project started by a group of students. We accept no liability for any misprints, typos, or misinformation acquired for display at this site. We're not making money from Inspiring young India blog and purpose is just to inspire our children and Young India. Thank you for your understanding!  Most of the inspiring stories published here, are being published with permission from the author. If credit isn't given to you then you can contact us through the contact form. However, We cannot grant permission to reuse any of these inspirational stories, as they are not mine.

Many inspiring stories (emailed to us via contact-us form or we came across online) should be considered published under as "Author Unknown." If you happen to know the author's name, to whom credit should be given, please contact us, via contact us form, with that information so I can keep our Inspiring stories collection accurate. Thank you again!!

The more people with whom you share, the more your friends will know you care!


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